
Supergraphics Provide A New Perspective on Parking Structure

[image via Eureka Carpark, Melbourne]

“Perspective-localized” art—that is, art intended to be seen from a specific vantage point—is by its very nature architectural. An installation localized within and completely dependent on the space it occupies. Perhaps best known for using the technique (besides sidewalk-chalk street artists), is Italian artist Felice Varini, who describes the work thusly:

“The painted form achieves its coherence when the viewer stands at the vantage point.When he* moves out of it, the work meets with space generating infinite vantage points on the form. It is not therefore through this original vantage point that I see the work achieved; it takes place in the set of vantage points the viewer can have on it.”

But the above installation, found in the Eureka Tower Carpark in Melbourne, Australia, Axel Peemoeller appropriated the technique for a more practical application, utilizing it as both decoration and signage. And what better place to install point-specific way-finding signage than the often confusing labyrinth that is the modern parking structure? The signs are revealed only when the driver is in the correct position to read them and make the required turn.

[image via Eureka Carpark, Melbourne]

[A work by Felice Varini, via gravestmor]

&#183 Parking lot wayfinding by means of giant, stereoscopic words that only line up when you’re correctly positioned [Boing Boing]
&#183 A New Perspective on Street Art [Life Without Buildings]